4D Fiction

Exploring the many dimensions of creative storytelling...

Browsing Posts in World Building

From “rabbithole” to “bobblehead”, here’s a sample construction of an experience through a full blown transmedia production, composed of multiple products and campaigns, numerous entry points and levels of engagement, and many platforms of delivery. Of course, in no way is this a complete or definitive experience, but only an example among endless possibilities. Presented without labels or buzzwords, this is one possible engagement, from beginning to …end?

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Great diagram from @StitchMedia! http://bit.ly/transmediacircles #transmedia // Yes! THIS is what I’ve been attempting to describe :)


Back in “the day” (mere years ago), there were these things called “ARGs”. I remember them: amazing experiences that involved their audience, told stories, had puzzles and games that were fun and made sense in their contexts. Now what was once just a single story told across multiple platforms has evolved into “transmedia”

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What ARG Makers Can Learn from UI Designers | Workbook Project http://workbookproject.com/culturehacker/2011/03/17/sxsw-what-arg-makers-can-learn-from-ui-designers #transmedia #antitransmedia #sxsw /via @addlepated


Building the world in which an alternate reality game or transmedia experience can play out successfully is like planning and directing a single-shot film. What we can learn from the single shot film “Russian Ark” and apply to ARGs and transmedia experiences.

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Augmented Reality May Be the iPad 2’s Secret Killer App http://www.fastcompany.com/1738956/augmented-reality-possibly-the-ipad-2s-secret-killer-app // physically explore virtual worlds? Potential!


Snow Town! A fun, mysterious, non-marketing, grassroots #transmedia project — an ARG: http://wikibruce.com/2011/02/snow-town-called-it-wants-its-books-back /via @Wikibruce #ARGs


.@LATimes covers Starlight Runner Entertainment’s work with movie franchise mythologies and the growth of #transmedia http://lat.ms/e99rAM


Fan Fiction? Russian author re-tells LOTR from Mordor’s perspective | Salon http://bit.ly/g08xpR Free to read http://bit.ly/ecGwjj


Fan Films and Next Creative Steps | Transmythology http://wp.me/p12v8E-fj #transmedia #fanfiction /via @Simonpulman


More on #Halo franchise potential for #storytelling and #transmedia | Businessweek http://bit.ly/aYovg3


At ARGFest 2010, the Artifact Creation 101 workshop gave a hands-on experience creating memorable and relevant story items, “artifacts”. There is great benefit to expanding a story into the real world for the audience through physical props and artifacts.

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