#ARGFest Bloomington dates and location details now available! Aug 17-21, 2011 – http://bit.ly/h2EqOW /via @ARGFest #ARGs
#ARGFest Bloomington dates and location details now available! Aug 17-21, 2011 – http://bit.ly/h2EqOW /via @ARGFest #ARGs
“Reality adventures” from V.A.S. — a real-life “The Game”? Player=subject? http://nyti.ms/h1IbpP /via @writerguyjames
Concise! Michel Reilhac’s Ten #Transmedia commandments | http://bit.ly/eDyuXt /via @MichelReilhac,@vpisteve
Feb. issue of @Wired, discover “The Underworld Ring of Dishonor” http://bit.ly/ringofdishonor /via @LoneSharkGames
MirrorLAnd – a #webseries project from @BabieJenks incorporating work of multiple artists across many media http://mirrorlandstory.com
“Deep Media,” #Transmedia What’s the Difference? @HenryJenkins Interviews @FrankRose http://bit.ly/ijjKQD /via @Scott_Walker
Your Princess is in Another Game: the 2011 MIT Mystery Hunt |ARGNet http://bit.ly/earptB /via @ARGN
“the transmedia in #transmedia producer will eventually disappear. They will all just be producers” http://bit.ly/hJGM8c /via @shockeyk
How not to launch an ARG – http://bit.ly/fhfgvi an ARG ranting and critique from @Rowan72 #ARGs
Fan Films and Next Creative Steps | Transmythology http://wp.me/p12v8E-fj #transmedia #fanfiction /via @Simonpulman
Is the trend of fact-based storytelling stopping writers from using imagination? /via @mediaguardian,@powertothepixel http://bit.ly/dPzaEl
#Transmedia Is Not Marketing | Deus Ex Machinatio http://bit.ly/hEd34l /via @Andrhia
Teacher makes primary school children believe WW3 had been declared. “Unfortunately we made it too real.” http://bit.ly/e5q2vp
A Look Back at Lewis Hamilton’s Secret Life | ARGNet http://bit.ly/gSBboW /via @argn #args
A Look Back at Lewis Hamilton’s Secret Life | ARGNet http://bit.ly/gSBboW /via @argn #args