4D Fiction

Exploring the many dimensions of creative storytelling...

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Back in “the day” (mere years ago), there were these things called “ARGs”. I remember them: amazing experiences that involved their audience, told stories, had puzzles and games that were fun and made sense in their contexts. Now what was once just a single story told across multiple platforms has evolved into “transmedia”

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Characterization for #Transmedia | Deus Ex Machinatio http://bit.ly/a06Lqd /via @andrhia


Just Another World: The World to End All Worlds | On #storytelling and worldbuilding http://bit.ly/d0lOfG


The “Rule of Thirds” dates back as far as the 18th century, defined as a guideline to help artists compose esthetically pleasing art, composed in such a way as to best keep the eye flowing naturally from one point of interest to another. It’s also applicable as a guideline for effective storytelling.

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