4D Fiction

Exploring the many dimensions of creative storytelling...

Browsing Posts in Movies


Creative! Warner Bros. Grows Bacteria Billboard For Contagion http://www.movieviral.com/2011/09/09/warner-bros-grows-bacteria-billboard-for-contagion /via @MovieViral http://youtu.be/LppK4ZtsDdM

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Example of crowd-sourced funding for compelling Canadian documentary: http://SecretTrial5.com #stx1 #storytelling


“Super8 was a textbook example of how good storytelling isn’t so much about stuff happening, as it is about people it happens to” ~@vpisteve


Press kit promo material for Thor thought to be a bomb, downtown Ann Arbor closed off http://bit.ly/jXrtfa /via @LadyOriza #transmedia


Studios reboot vidgame plans | Variety http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118035749 /via @SimonPulman #transmedia


Lost Zombies is a project conceived and executed by Skot Leach, which began with the goal of producing a community-generated film, a crowd-sourced zombie documentary, but ended up being quite a different beast. In the following case study, Skot highlights many key milestones in the project, lessons learned along the way, and how much it actually changed from the initial concept.

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An exploration of Disney, Blacklight and Imagine’s new #transmedia property The Runner: http://transmythology.com/2011/04/12/blacklights-the-runner-pitfalls-and-promise/ /via @simonpulman


Warner Bros & The Billion Dollar Question | Transmythology http://transmythology.com/2011/03/31/warner-bros-the-billion-dollar-question/ #transmedia #batman #harrypotter


#Tron Legacy #FlynnLives coverage – an official 5 minute video overview of the campaign http://youtu.be/H9G8Z4ewitQ #transmedia #args

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Fan Films and Next Creative Steps | Transmythology http://wp.me/p12v8E-fj #transmedia #fanfiction /via @Simonpulman


#Halo franchise prompts high production fan-film undertaking “Operation Chastity” http://bit.ly/d4Y99u @OpChastity /via @SixOkay


There’s a growing trend of marketing attempts that try to invade the personal digital space of their target demographic. Recently, two campaigns began vying for the attention of bystanders through distributed video – for two very different properties, with two very different results.

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Tron Press conference: Done. Fan panel: 11:15am Pacific. Identity Raid: 11:30am Pacific. https://4dfiction.com/live/identityraid #FlynnLives
