“Game Theory” by Roberto Ricci [Kindle] A man’s personalized alternate reality experience becomes one of life & death http://amzn.to/H1wYHZ
“Game Theory” by Roberto Ricci [Kindle] A man’s personalized alternate reality experience becomes one of life & death http://amzn.to/H1wYHZ
In which @andrhia invites our harsh criticism of her #transmedia work http://deusexmachinatio.com/blog/2012/3/29/the-unspoken-agreement-between-lion-riders.html (and waxes on criticism in the creator community)
Five #transmedia projects to keep an eye on http://muchtoolong.blogspot.com/2012/03/five-transmedia-projects-to-follow.html /via @simon_staffans
First ever ‘story hackathon’, a team-based challenge from @StoryCodeOrg – You must check this out: http://hack.storycode.org/
A public message from @tomliljeholm: http://yourcupoftea.se/notthefuture.jpg #transmedia #conversation
Repost: Toronto immersive narrative @indiegogo project to depict biotech end of world scenario. Zombies! https://4dfiction.com/2012/03/drugs-are-bad-bring-on-the-zombie-apocalypse/ @ZEDToronto
Fiction needs to be opt-in. @thacher on fiction, trickery, and user experience: http://thachr.com/2012/fiction-needs-to-be-opt-in/ #hoax = #bad #transmedia #args #tinag
Drugs are so bad. Bring on the zombie apocalypse! | http://t.co/v7dk7dfZ #immersive #storytelling @ZEDToronto @IndieGoGo @TorontoART
Chet Getram: “At ByoLogyc, you’ll not only be investing in one of the most profitable, forward-thinking biotech and lifestyle enhancement laboratories available, you’ll be helping humanity fulfill its deepest desires, and unlock its hidden destiny.”
Read the full article...Formerly the ARG Netcast, the @StoryForward podcast now has an iOS app! Check it out http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/storyforward/id509563617?mt=8 #args #transmedia
New writeup from @ChristyDena on the jack-of-all-trades dilemma of #transmedia creatives |http://meanland.com.au/blog/post/do-you-go-both-ways #storytelling
“Touch” Creator Tim Kring On #Storytelling In A Connected World http://www.fastcocreate.com/1680122 via @FastCoCreate
Welcome Fourth Wall Studios to Twitter! @4thwallstudios #followwednesday ?/via @vpisteve
Beautifully crafted digital graphic novel on iPad – CIA: Operation Ajax http://www.148apps.com/reviews/cia-operation-ajax-review/ /via @mikemonello #storytelling #tools
Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom: An Interactive, Location-Based Experience http://www.argn.com/2012/03/sorcerers_of_the_magic_kingdom_an_interactive_location-based_experience/ /via @argn #location #storytelling #disney