ARGFest-o-Con – the annual conference/festival comprised of presentations, panels and special events showcasing the best in Alternate Reality Gaming (ARG), transmedia entertainment and serious games – is coming to Toronto, Ontario from July 26-28.
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Previously known as Transmedia Toronto, “Transmedia 101” is a community building initiative to learn more about how to apply transmedia strategies to properties and projects, bringing like-minded innovators together to discuss, experiment and push transmedia forward.
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[Video] On March 20, 2012, ByoLogyc Inc held an exclusive 20th anniversary party at the Ingram Gallery in Toronto. See the video coverage inside of this ZED Toronto event, including a live opera performance and cutting edge biotechnological pharmaceutical products.
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Fourth and final interview in the Halo Tales grassroots storytelling series — A Fistful of Arrows, with Levi Hoffmeier. Levi shares his process for creation of the comic, and his passion for art, and of course for Halo.
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Article number three in a Halo series focused on grassroots and fanfic storytellers is a Q&A with Jared Pelletier, the creator of the Halo film “Faith”, plus the official trailer.
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Article number two in a series focused on grassroots and fanfic storytellers. In this article we hear from Mike Morgan, aka Dagoonite, a fan who executed the narrative-heavy ARG “Bzzt!”, all by himself.
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First article in a series focused on grassroots and fanfic storytellers. In this article we hear from writer/director Peter Cooper, who is undertaking the creation of the Halo inspired live action film Operation Chastity.
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Introduction to a series on the Halo universe and its thriving environment of fan and grassroots storytellers. Articles to follow are interviews with community members and Halo fans who have overseen the creation and execution of various Halo-themed story projects.
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A look back at a point in my childhood that began my love for creative, interactive storytelling. How a period of playing imaginative, paper-based adventures with my best friend – hand-drawn mazes and maps we made for each other to explore and from which to escape – paved the way to what I’ve come today to know as ‘alternate reality gaming’.
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