4D Fiction

Exploring the many dimensions of creative storytelling...

Browsing Posts in Development Tools

Ten years ago I Love Bees launched and became a prominent name in Alternate Reality Gaming. It also inspired a grassroots ARG – an homage to its legacy. FInd out more here about the story and the ARG from the puppetmaster team! :@)

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Previously known as Transmedia Toronto, “Transmedia 101” is a community building initiative to learn more about how to apply transmedia strategies to properties and projects, bringing like-minded innovators together to discuss, experiment and push transmedia forward.

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The decision has been made. Come 2012, the ever-awesome ARGFest-O-Con will be finding its place, once again, north of the border – to be hosted in Toronto, Ontario!

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Source article via @remotedevice: Reality Ends Here – A (trans-)media making alternate reality game for cinema students http://21stcenturyscholar.org/2011/09/23/4856/


Reality Ends Here – A (trans-)media making alternate reality game for cinema students http://21stcenturyscholar.org/2011/09/23/4856/ @remotedevice


Cell phones used for delivery of significant history as a tour in under-developed Peru city; distributed screen http://qosqollika.org #stx1


Balance btwn giving user enough content to feel engaged (freedom to explore) vs control of presentation (ability to tell a story) #stx1


Interactive online documentary on suicide, audio focus, graphic novella, fall 2011 – http://TheNextDay.ca / Jason Gilmore #stx1


Example of crowd-sourced funding for compelling Canadian documentary: http://SecretTrial5.com #stx1 #storytelling


How to Design an ARG in 20 Easy Steps http://on.fb.me/kwbJ2q /via @vpisteve // Insightful! #ARGs #transmedia


via @Sioflynn: Very Interesting use of Shazam – The QR code equivalent for TV commercials? | Diary of Traveling souls http://1001tales.posterous.com/very-interesting-use-of-shazam-the-qr-code-eq


~”With a decline in perceived value in any one format, regain trust by offering engagement through multiple platforms” http://prn.to/iA5OqL
