“In #transmedia #storytelling no particular media element takes center stage, for center stage is the story itself.” ~@stephendinehart
“In #transmedia #storytelling no particular media element takes center stage, for center stage is the story itself.” ~@stephendinehart
Seven Things I Learned from the Portal 2 ARG | Workbook Project http://workbookproject.com/culturehacker/2011/05/05/seven-things-i-learned-from-the-portal-2-arg/ /via @toenolla,@workbook #ARGs // Some great points!
Excellent overview of @CampfireNYC‘s “The Maester’s Path” campaign for #GameOfThrones http://www.argn.com/2011/05/a_walk_through_westeros_retracing_the_maesters_path/ #transmedia /via @argn
Interactivity and Social Mechanics in Video http://www.scribemedia.org/2011/05/02/interactivity-and-social-mechanics-in-video/ /via @ScribeLabs #storytelling
“Geocaching..treasure hunt outside w/family..interesting #transmedia applications” ~@cynthiajabar Check out https://4dfiction.com/2010/07/telling-stories-with-tupperware-and-ammo-cans/ #sandbox
Opertoon’s Touch Screen “Strange Rain” iOS app has some artful interactive #storytelling http://www.jawbone.tv/articles/item/523-opertoons-touch-screen-strange-rain-and-other-immersive-experiences.html
Very neat idea – Chromaroma, turning rapid transit into a game (London) | Time Techland http://ti.me/h8bJpM
Interactive Fiction and Transmedia: “You are likely to be eaten by a grue.” http://silverstringmedia.com/2011/04/25/interactive-fiction-and-transmedia/ /via @Slvrstrng
Studios reboot vidgame plans | Variety http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118035749 /via @SimonPulman #transmedia
Good exercise! – How to tell a story with photos http://www.godigitalmom.com/articles/photo-story/ #storytelling /via @storytellin
Seven Myths About #Transmedia #Storytelling Debunked – @HenryJenkins speaks out http://www.fastcompany.com/1745746/seven-myths-about-transmedia-storytelling-debunked /via @FastCompany
Impressive! The Periodic Table of #Storytelling http://computersherpa.deviantart.com/art/Periodic-Table-of-Storytelling-203548951 /via @ComputerSherpa #Transmedia
13th Street Universal’s “The Witness” makes heavy use of augmented reality in a live and interactive film http://youtu.be/Yis6is8v9jA #AR
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Babies, Buns and Bunnies – @MikeMonello of @CampfireNYC‘s PTTP presentation on transmedia stories http://blip.tv/file/4296938 (Oct 2010)
From “rabbithole” to “bobblehead”, here’s a sample construction of an experience through a full blown transmedia production, composed of multiple products and campaigns, numerous entry points and levels of engagement, and many platforms of delivery. Of course, in no way is this a complete or definitive experience, but only an example among endless possibilities. Presented without labels or buzzwords, this is one possible engagement, from beginning to …end?
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