Article number two in a series focused on grassroots and fanfic storytellers. In this article we hear from Mike Morgan, aka Dagoonite, a fan who executed the narrative-heavy ARG “Bzzt!”, all by himself.
Read the full article...Article number two in a series focused on grassroots and fanfic storytellers. In this article we hear from Mike Morgan, aka Dagoonite, a fan who executed the narrative-heavy ARG “Bzzt!”, all by himself.
Read the full article...First article in a series focused on grassroots and fanfic storytellers. In this article we hear from writer/director Peter Cooper, who is undertaking the creation of the Halo inspired live action film Operation Chastity.
Read the full article...Introduction to a series on the Halo universe and its thriving environment of fan and grassroots storytellers. Articles to follow are interviews with community members and Halo fans who have overseen the creation and execution of various Halo-themed story projects.
Read the full article...Who would have thought, so many years ago, that a community of gamers and storytellers, hobbyists and professionals, players and creators, would come together from around the world so often and so enthusiastically, to create an event as enjoyable, entertaining, and educational as ARGFest? Here’s my recap of the amazing time that was had and people who were in attendance at this year’s ARGFest.
Read the full article...This year’s ARGFest-o-con ARG Museum will be officially curated by 4D Fiction. Displaying artifacts from numerous campaigns along with other ARG-related items, this year it will also sport a bonus trivia competition. For those attending ARGFest, please also heed this call for submissions — The more we can display, the better it will be!
Read the full article...A look back at a point in my childhood that began my love for creative, interactive storytelling. How a period of playing imaginative, paper-based adventures with my best friend – hand-drawn mazes and maps we made for each other to explore and from which to escape – paved the way to what I’ve come today to know as ‘alternate reality gaming’.
Read the full article...Lost Zombies is a project conceived and executed by Skot Leach, which began with the goal of producing a community-generated film, a crowd-sourced zombie documentary, but ended up being quite a different beast. In the following case study, Skot highlights many key milestones in the project, lessons learned along the way, and how much it actually changed from the initial concept.
Read the full article...From “rabbithole” to “bobblehead”, here’s a sample construction of an experience through a full blown transmedia production, composed of multiple products and campaigns, numerous entry points and levels of engagement, and many platforms of delivery. Of course, in no way is this a complete or definitive experience, but only an example among endless possibilities. Presented without labels or buzzwords, this is one possible engagement, from beginning to …end?
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