Storyworld Wrap up from @Bob_Mayer – the Writer’s Perspective, #Transmedia , and Disney’s Weenie’s-perspective-transmedia-and-disney’s-weenie/ #swc11
Event-specific updates and announcements
From ARGFest, to other conventions and conferences.
Storyworld Wrap up from @Bob_Mayer – the Writer’s Perspective, #Transmedia , and Disney’s Weenie’s-perspective-transmedia-and-disney’s-weenie/ #swc11
‘Less “me.” More “we.”‘ @jchutchins #swc11 #wisdom
“Jeff: ‘It’s simple – my story cannot exist without your participation, only way it can get done'” @simon_staffans #swc11
“‘It’s all about the story’ is a given, not an insight.” @mikemonello #swc11
“Don’t try to do webseries and graphic novel and lots of stuff, concentrate on one and do it well” @simon_staffans #swc11 #transmedia
Excellent coverage of #SWC11 via @Storify, thanks to @endurablegoods –
“‘The future of branding/marketing is abt keeping ppl engaged in story. Not pushing them to buy’- @goonth paraphrased” @sparrowhall #swc11
“@jeff_gomez: engage people by letting people see a little of themselves inside the storyworld” @trevorwade #swc11 “
Recap, day 1 of @StoryworldConf from @ChristineWeitb #swc11
“@Jeff_Gomez: deepest questions of humanity are the foundation of story. Traditional storytelling makes these cliche” @colin_stange #swc11