Whether you’re planning to be in attendance at SXSWi this year or not, the SXSW online panel picker is now open for the public to vote for the panels they feel should be presented at the event.
Transmedia is a hot topic at SXSWi this year. Of more than 2300 submitted panels covering a smorgasboard of topics, there are at least 23 submissions that touch on Transmedia if not already entirely focused on it in some capacity.
Below are some panels I recommend reviewing and voting for. If you wish to browse more, visit panelpicker.sxsw.com.
SXSW takes place March 11-15, 2011 in Austin, TX.
- ARGS Don’t Work: The Future of Transmedia Stories
– Maureen McHugh (NoMimesMedia)
- Hoax or Transmedia? The Ethics of Pervasive Fiction
– Andrea Phillips (Deus Ex Machinatio)
- Audience Engagement in the Transmedia Age
– Steve Peters (NoMimesMedia)
- Transmedia Artists Guild: New Media Needs New Representation
– Jay Bushman (.com)
- Project 314: Putting The ‘Game’ Back Into ARGs
– Adrian Hon (Six to Start)
- How Progress Bars Change the Way We Live
– Evan Jones (Stitch Media)
- Transmedia Production: Making The New Frontier
– Benham Karbassi (NoMimesMedia)
- Documenting your Transmedia Project (how to & why)
– Brooke Thompson (Giant Mice)
- Your Life Is A Transmedia Experience
– Jenka Gurfinkel (Social Creature)
Transmedia is a hot topic at SXSWi this year.