4D Fiction

Exploring the many dimensions of creative storytelling...

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This year’s ARGFest-o-con ARG Museum will be officially curated by 4D Fiction. Displaying artifacts from numerous campaigns along with other ARG-related items, this year it will also sport a bonus trivia competition. For those attending ARGFest, please also heed this call for submissions — The more we can display, the better it will be!

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Get Ready to Play at ARGFest-o-Con 2011! http://www.argn.com/2011/08/get_ready_to_play_at_argfest-o-con_2011/ (@ARGFest) /via @argn #ARGs #transmedia


Good question via @Scott_Walker for #ARGs & #transmedia communities: why do most ARGs only serve one term? http://metascott.com/2011/08/11/why-are-most-args-serving-only-one-term/


Time Is Running Out for LA Time/Trip | ARGNet http://www.argn.com/2011/08/time_is_running_out_for_la_timetrip/ #ARGs #LA #QR /via @argn


Why big pub’s don’t get #transmedia “..supposed to be about telling A STORY seamlessly across multiple formats” (emph+) http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/gamesblog/2011/aug/03/the-problem-with-transmedia


Recap/study of “Slayer In Training” SCVNGR ARG executed at #SDCC for “The Hunted” http://thehuntedtv.blogspot.com/2011/07/hunted-arg-at-comic-con-scvngr-review.html /via @TheHuntedTV #ARGs


“People have forgotten how to tell a story. [There’s no] middle or end any more. [only] a beginning that never stops beginning” ~S.Spielberg


The 5 most insane Alternate Reality Games | Cracked.com http://www.cracked.com/article_19346_the-5-most-insane-alternate-reality-games.html #ARGs #Transmedia /via @varin


*New #Countdown alert!! Aug 21 10:43am* What is The Darkest Puzzle? http://thedarkestpuzzle.com #ARGs #Cloudmakers?


“The plot of a story should be somewhat simple. It is the characters who will make things complicated.” ~@samhiti #storytelling


A look back at a point in my childhood that began my love for creative, interactive storytelling. How a period of playing imaginative, paper-based adventures with my best friend – hand-drawn mazes and maps we made for each other to explore and from which to escape – paved the way to what I’ve come today to know as ‘alternate reality gaming’.

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“Red Cloud Rising: The Fifth Wall” – ‘alternate-reality game played in primary reality’ | NYTimes http://nyti.ms/nZxtYs /via @nytimestheater


At IGDA Summit, Jordan Weisman: “What’s the value of a good idea if it’s just sitting in your head?” Trans: MAKE COOL STUFF /via @jchutchins
