4D Fiction

Exploring the many dimensions of creative storytelling...

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Back in “the day” (mere years ago), there were these things called “ARGs”. I remember them: amazing experiences that involved their audience, told stories, had puzzles and games that were fun and made sense in their contexts. Now what was once just a single story told across multiple platforms has evolved into “transmedia”

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Become part of the conversation! The TAG site/forums are now live! http://transmediaartists.com /via @transmediaguild #transmedia #args


What ARG Makers Can Learn from UI Designers | Workbook Project http://workbookproject.com/culturehacker/2011/03/17/sxsw-what-arg-makers-can-learn-from-ui-designers #transmedia #antitransmedia #sxsw /via @addlepated


Building the world in which an alternate reality game or transmedia experience can play out successfully is like planning and directing a single-shot film. What we can learn from the single shot film “Russian Ark” and apply to ARGs and transmedia experiences.

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Take heed, writers: @ChuckWendig bluntly reveals the “Lies Writers Tell” http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2011/03/08/lies-writers-tell /via @mjandersen #storytelling


“Get a script. get a coder. get a designer. get music. get some actors. Make an awesome online experience. Just do it.” ~@christydena


If the resulting story of an ARG is repackaged and distributed in novelized form for example, could audiences at some point start seeking out a return on their investment?

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Fan Films and Next Creative Steps | Transmythology http://wp.me/p12v8E-fj #transmedia #fanfiction /via @Simonpulman


#Halo franchise prompts high production fan-film undertaking “Operation Chastity” http://bit.ly/d4Y99u @OpChastity /via @SixOkay


#Transmedia Talk Podcast Ep 6 http://bit.ly/cv1qgI w/ Tommy Pallotta on Collapsus and Catfish /via @workbook


Characterization for #Transmedia | Deus Ex Machinatio http://bit.ly/a06Lqd /via @andrhia


Just Another World: The World to End All Worlds | On #storytelling and worldbuilding http://bit.ly/d0lOfG


New! #Transmedia Talk podcast episode 1 – check it out: http://bit.ly/b8yAuD #args
