4D Fiction

Exploring the many dimensions of creative storytelling...

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Fan Fiction? Russian author re-tells LOTR from Mordor’s perspective | Salon http://bit.ly/g08xpR Free to read http://bit.ly/ecGwjj


#Tron Legacy #FlynnLives coverage – an official 5 minute video overview of the campaign http://youtu.be/H9G8Z4ewitQ #transmedia #args

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‘Oceanea’ EP release from @ThomasDolby to be launched with 12-week #transmedia experience http://bit.ly/fsQ3M1 /via @gmskarka,@scott_walker


An 3 part account of the @SaverCo ARG, from a PM who discovered #ARGs only after starting one – http://bit.ly/fpZGlg @theweem


Fan Films and Next Creative Steps | Transmythology http://wp.me/p12v8E-fj #transmedia #fanfiction /via @Simonpulman


Fans and IP Owners – Symbiotic Relationships | Transmythology http://wp.me/p12v8E-eD /via @simonpulman #transmedia #fanfiction #bttf


#Halo franchise prompts high production fan-film undertaking “Operation Chastity” http://bit.ly/d4Y99u @OpChastity /via @SixOkay


More on #Halo franchise potential for #storytelling and #transmedia | Businessweek http://bit.ly/aYovg3


Nightshade, upcoming teen novel has char Shay Doran interact via FB, websiodes, as dynamic prequel http://bit.ly/b3NxSg


via @arg_deaddrop: In the LA area tomorow afternoon and fancy following a serial killer’s trail? http://bit.ly/bWKUtA #dexter #args


There’s a growing trend of marketing attempts that try to invade the personal digital space of their target demographic. Recently, two campaigns began vying for the attention of bystanders through distributed video – for two very different properties, with two very different results.

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Dexter fans – new ARG launched at Comic-Con, take a look: http://sleepsuperbly.com | http://serialhuntress.com #args


Tron Press conference: Done. Fan panel: 11:15am Pacific. Identity Raid: 11:30am Pacific. https://4dfiction.com/live/identityraid #FlynnLives


Tupperware. In the woods. Who wouldn’t want to find that? Well if you do, you’re probably a geocacher, or else you’d make a good one. What’s great about geocaching is its flexibility to be used as a story-telling tool, incorporating real-world tasks and rewarding players.

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Welcome to the newly updated 4DFiction.com!
A long time in coming, but the update is complete (I couldn’t bring myself to roll it out on April 1st). And, as a kick-off to the new template, 4DFiction has a brand spanking new design.

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