4D Fiction

Exploring the many dimensions of creative storytelling...

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Just Another World: The World to End All Worlds | On #storytelling and worldbuilding http://bit.ly/d0lOfG


The “Rule of Thirds” dates back as far as the 18th century, defined as a guideline to help artists compose esthetically pleasing art, composed in such a way as to best keep the eye flowing naturally from one point of interest to another. It’s also applicable as a guideline for effective storytelling.

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It’s a living, breathing representative of the creator’s vision w/fans’ participation in the storyworld ~@SpaceTruffles http://bit.ly/9kDSWn


Tupperware. In the woods. Who wouldn’t want to find that? Well if you do, you’re probably a geocacher, or else you’d make a good one. What’s great about geocaching is its flexibility to be used as a story-telling tool, incorporating real-world tasks and rewarding players.

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The ARG ‘formula’ is getting so saturated with copycat conventions that it’s like walking into a book store and having to skip the genres we don’t like, heading straight to our favourite aisles. But even in the midst of all the noise, occasionally one book may stand out, a best-seller perhaps, and we curiously dive in.

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